Category Archives: OSX

Repeat last command Alfred extension

I thought it could be useful if there was a way to tell Alfred to repeat the last command issued. I know that there is the option to remember the last query (in Appearance->Options you can turn it on). So I made a little extension that is nothing more than a trick to tell Alfred [...]

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Use Alfred (almost) as an OSX Service (UPDATED)

I was trying to extend the use of Alfredapp so that it could act on the currently selected text in the frontmost application. Here is the extension I’ve come out with…. something like a text filter (it can make text UPPERCASE, lowercase, strip HTML tags, expand a Zen coding selector … etc… see below or [...]

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Find Lyrics and Set Lyrics in iTunes Alfred extensions

I’ve used several utilities to fill the Lyrics field of my mp3 library with varying results. There are always songs which lyrics are not found. So I came up with this couple of extensions for Alfred to speed up a bit the process of retrieving lyrics. There are two extensions: – Find Lyrics: (fl keyword) [...]

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Use Spotlight on a remote Mac with the help of Folder Actions and Dropbox (and an Alfred extension too)

I’ve thought often of how much it could be useful to be able to do a Spotlight search on your Mac at home when you are away. Just for when You need something you forgot to bring with you. Now I think I’ve found a practical solution. You need the following things to accomplish the [...]

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Clipboard History joiner extension for Alfred

The Clipboard History in Alfred is a great thing and this extension try to use it for a common task: joining several piece of text copied from different sources. Its use is simple… just have Clipboard History enabled in Alfred… An example: you have to copy several pieces of code from an HTML file and [...]

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FileZilla Alfred extension

I’ve made a simple Alfred extension to open an FTP site in Filezilla. You only need to have it defined in your sites in Filezilla and pass its name as an argument to the extension. For example if  you have a site whose name in Filezilla is “mywebserver” just call Alfred and write: fz mywebserver [...]

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Use Alfredapp (almost) as an OSX system service

NOTE: this post is outdated… a new version of it with an Alfred extension ready to be downloaded and used is here I was trying to extend the use of Alfredapp so that it could act on the currently selected text in the frontmost application. Here is the Custom Command I’ve come out with…. something [...]

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Paste the result of a command in the frontmost application (in Alfredapp)

I’ve made a simple applescript that take care to automatically paste the result of a command set in Alfredapp I’ll use as an example this command made by @jdfwarrior ( a lorem ipsum generator ) – Install it first. Download this zip file and extract where you like (an alfredscripts folder in Applications?): paste.scpt When [...]

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Two applescript and a workflow for Alfredapp: Find lyrics of the current playing track in iTunes, Set Lyrics of current track, AlfredIgnore

Here are two applescripts that come from a article: FindLyrics.scpt: it is an applescript that try to get the lyrics of the current playing track in iTunes (it opens Safari to do a Google Search) SetLyrics: it gets the current selection in the current window of Safari and put that text in the Lyrics [...]

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Sto scrivendo questo post perchè al momento non ho trovato in rete molto materiale relativo all’applicazione per Mac OS X Alfred ( Penso che sia un’applicazione veramente comoda e soprattutto, visto il ritmo di sviluppo e i miglioramenti apportati, molto promettente. Alfred in pratica cerca di farvi svolgere nel modo più rapido possibile una delle [...]

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